Newly Published


Greetings all! A quick note here to share that I’ve got some new articles out at external publications. America magazine (the Jesuit publication of the Catholic church) picked up a piece I wrote about my time both at Loyola University and in the Protestant church.

Check it out here.

Fathom Magazine picks up pieces from writers who like to think deeply on aspects of life and faith and so they kindly published a poem I wrote.

Check it out here.

I’m currently considering what the Fall writing season will look like and hope to have more posts out here and elsewhere during that time. I am grateful for my small and growing community here who has been such an encouragement to keep putting words down as we build our physical family and community here in Atlanta.

Would love to hear from you directly to learn about what the Holy Spirit is (or isn’t!) doing in your life. If I can encourage you in anyway, do consider me an ally and a friend – and I will do the same with you. Also, if there’s something you’d like me to consider writing about I’d love to hear that too.

Until then, I leave you with my favorite picture and poem from summer vacation. Sunrise on the lake…which followed a late night meteor shower across the visible Milky Way. (Which was then followed by a really long nap!) We are rested here and ready for what Fall has in store. I hope you are too.

With love,



First Lesson
By: Philip Booth

Lie back daughter, let your head
be tipped back in the cup of my hand.
Gently, and I will hold you. Spread
your arms wide, lie out on the stream
and look high at the gulls. A dead-
man’s float is face down. You will dive
and swim soon enough where this tidewater
ebbs to the sea. Daughter, believe
me, when you tire on the long thrash
to your island, lie up, and survive.
As you float now, where I held you
and let go, remember when fear
cramps your heart what I told you:
lie gently and wide to the light-year
stars, lie back, and the sea will hold you.



4 Replies to “Newly Published”

  1. Very interesting article. I love your thought process. Thank you for sharing! And congratulations!!

    Sent from my iPhone


  2. Great article and though provoking poem.. thanks sister for sharing and thinking deeply about “Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain it. (David in Psalm 139) We must leave room for mystery otherwise we will fall off a cliff.


    On Sun, Aug 4, 2019 at 3:48 PM Courtney Beck Writes wrote:

    > courtneytbeck posted: ” Greetings all! A quick note here to share that > I’ve got some new articles out at external publications. America magazine > (the Jesuit publication of the Catholic church) picked up a piece I wrote > about my time both at Loyola University and in the Protest” >


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